Monday, January 31, 2022

C'mom C'mon (2021)

Director: Mike Mills. Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Gaby Hoffmann, Woody Norman. 109 min. Drama.

  • A movie that is mesmerizing from the get-go, asking kids: How do you see the future?
  • The question is asked both in general terms, with Phoenix as a journalist interviewing kids across Detroit, New York and New Orleans, recording their responses; and on a specific basis, with him taking his 9-year-old nephew on the journey, and us watching the response to the question play out in real life. A response that is, to be blunt, quite terrifying - very well enacted in a scene where the nephew goes missing in a store for a few seconds, and the terrified uncle totally freaks out at his absence.
  • The film reminded me how advanced kids' thought processes are these days, compared to when I was the same age - when all I cared about was Return of the Jedi's premiere date. The generation gap today is deep and wide, the issues and questions kids ask and are concerned about are mind-boggling, and the manner in which kids confront you occasionally corners you to full surrender.
  • This notion is embodied in the unbelievable performance by newcomer Woody Norman - whom I'm not sure out of how many hundreds of auditioned kids he was chosen from. But if there was ever a motion to create an Oscar category for casting director, this movie is a good excuse.
  • Another black-and-white movie which suits the atmosphere better than color. Must be a trend this year.

MoGo's rating: 8/10

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