Monday, December 6, 2021

Listening to Kenny G (2021)

Director: Penny Lane. 97 min. Documentary. 

  • Kenny G is probably "90s nostalgia god" for many - including myself. Any Kenny G tune ("Songbird", "Silhouette", "Sentimental", ...) drowns me in a flood of college year memories. So watching this was a no-brainer.
  • We see his rise-to-fame story through intercutting interviews, and hear big discussion on whether or not he plays true jazz ("smooth jazz"?), or has corrupted the art form. These matters don't concern me, as enjoying the music itself is all that matters. We don't listen to music to research film theory, and I could care less if his duet to Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" threw film theorists into convulsions - as long as it's pleasant.  
  • Unfortunately, the film fails to deliver on the main item I was looking for: the man himself. And since we never learn about what he thinks about anything other than music, to know Kenny Gorelick by this documentary, you have to guess what kind of a guy he is. I didn't find that picture pretty. His constant: "I did this ... I did that ... isn't what I did great?" with a big smile, becomes annoying after awhile. You start wondering: is this guy just innately positive and upbeat with no problem in the world ... or just being obnoxious with his success?

MoGo's rating: 6/10

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